Please fix the problem by referring to the solution below and if you continue to experience the same issue, please contact our Customer Support.
How to fix a problem with error codes
Turn off Windows 10 / 11 Firewall
Type [Firewall] in the search box of the Windows button in the lower-left corner of the monitor
Click [Windows Defender Firewall]
Click [Allow an App or Feature through Windows Defender Firewall] in the upper-left corner of the page
Click [Change Settings]
Click [Allow Other App] in the bottom-right corner of the page
Click [Search] in the bottom-right corner of the page
Open [Navigation Updater.exe] via the newly installed Navigation Updater path then add ▷ In the case of Win10 64bit, the typical installation path for Navigation Updater can be found in [My PC > Local Disk(C:) > Program Files(x86)
> Navigation Updater > package]
Stop the real-time protection feature of a security program or exclude the Navigation Updater from being monitored. ▷ As the specified setting for a vaccine program may differ from one another, please ask the respective manufacturer for detailed instructions.