Politique de confidentialité
This privacy policy sets out key information regarding our collection, use, disclosure and storage of your personal information, and your ability to access and correct such information.
Collection and Use
The types of personal information that we may collect from you include your e-mail address and Vehicle information. We may collect this information from Q&A.
We do not market to children knowingly or knowingly collect personal information about children without parental consent. Children should always ask a parent before sending any transmission over the Internet. Whilst we will make every reasonable effort to ensure that children's privacy and other rights are not compromised, it is ultimately the responsibility of parents to monitor their children's Internet usage.
Your personal information may be shared with our related bodies corporate. We may engage third party contractors to perform services for us which involve the contractor handling personal information we hold. Where we engage third party contractors to perform services for us, we prohibit the third party contractor from using personal information about you except for the specific purpose for which we supply it.
We will not sell, rent or trade your personal information to a third party. Other than as set out above, we will not disclose your personal information unless: the disclosure is permitted or required by law; you have consented to our disclosure of the information; in order for us to provide you with our goods and services you are seeking; or we believe that the use or disclosure is reasonably necessary to assist a law enforcement agency or an agency responsible for government or public security in the performance of their functions.
We may transfer your personal information to foreign countries when we share your information with our related bodies corporate or service providers. Our parent company Kia Motors Corporation (KMC) based in Seoul may receive and store your personal information, and may not be subject to similar laws to us regarding privacy obligations. Your provision of your personal information to us, Kia dealers or our agents will constitute consent to our disclosure to KMC.
Access to and correction of information
We need your help in making sure your personal information is correct on our systems. Please e-mail us of any changes to your name, address, title, phone number, e-mail address. If you would like to correct or update your personal information, or seek access to your information, please contact us at
If you wish to comment on or query this privacy statement, or if you wish to make an enquiry regarding any personal information relating to you which may be in our possession, please also email us at
We consider that compliance with the Privacy Laws and principles as of utmost importance. If you have any complaints, or a concerned that we have breached our privacy obligations, please email
support.mea@hyundai-autoever.com. The Privacy Officer will contact you, or ensure that the appropriate person within our organization contacts you for the purposes of addressing your complaint.
We utilize cookies which enable us to monitor traffic patterns and to serve you more efficiently if you revisit the site. A cookie does not identify you personally but it does identify your computer. You can set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie and this will provide you with an opportunity to either accept or reject it in each instance.